I just commented on your post, Optimize your blog for mobile devices, and read a couple of your other articles. As a blogger myself, I am impressed.
I also just added your I Love BlogU button to my brand new Hacker Study (http://www.hackerstudy.com) blog.
Could I trouble you for the info, how or where did you make that button? I have several Blogger hosted blogs and I would really like to provide these buttons for my readers as well.
Considering that you have lots of tweaks for Blogger, I will be visiting you on a regular basis.
Well, this is the little button he was talking about.
If, you want a Chicklet to brand your site, or profess your love for clouds, Firefox, trees, iPhones...or whatever...these are the sites you can go to make them.
- Brilliant Button Maker By the way, this is the one I used to make my Chicklet because it allows an image to be used.
- Just another button maker
- Adam Kasly Button Maker This site has a nice clean design, which may appeal to you.
And this is just a collection of Blogger Badges a.k.a. antipixel buttons, chicklets
so you can see what all can be done with these little snazzy buttons.
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