Monday, 26 February 2007

Build a Blogger Mini-Site

I wanted to add a page separate from the home page.. The key is I want the page to use the style template and I would add as a link on a side nav. In essense I am trying to build a mini-site and still take advantage of blog features (and host the thing on blogspot! :)

Do you have recommendation on the best way to do this or are you aware of a hack for this? I know Wordpress offers this so I might switch to them.

My response was:
A while ago I made a separate page for a blogroll group. Look on my blog sidebar under 'Random Sidebar Clutter' and find +/- ::PowderPuff Geeks:: blogroll . Expand that section and click on ::Join PowderPuff Geeks:: That takes you to the other 'Mini-Blog' which has the same format (when I set it up) as BlogU. I included a 'Return Home' link at the bottom of the page. I did that by adding the following code in the post editor after the post:

<h2 class="sidebar-title"><a href=""><< Return Home</a></h2>
You can see how it links from the sidebar in BlogU to the PowderPuff page.

To create a Mini-Site:

  1. Create a new blog, which will become your Mini-Blog.
  2. Copy your template from the main blog and paste it into a new blog.
  3. Remove the elements you don't want on the Mini-Blog, if any.
  4. Add the return home link as described above to the Mini-Blog.
  5. Add a link in the Main Blog sidebar to the Mini-Blog, and you are done.
Their response:

Aha! Brilliant, fake it with a new blog!!! Your suggestion is exactly what I was looking for.

Great job,

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